During late 1986, Dean enrols in an exchange student program in Nuremberg. He sends us this postcard featuring the famous Schönen Brunnen (beautiful fountain) with the Frauenkirche behind. Jenni and I visit this very spot in July, 2010 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0175 b The main foyer of Dean's school in Nuremberg Dean's skiing trip begins outside of school with a friend of his
Getting ready for dinner on the last night of skiing Part of the village they stay in on the skiing trip. Hotel they stay in during skiing trip His foster family's back yard on Xmas Day 1986
Dean's foster family, the Lampens on Xmas Day Dean meets Vera Jacqui sends us some pictures 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0039 a
1987 WhileInTheUSA 0039 b 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0040 a Oh my gosh, I'm so shocked. About the PS: my answer is NO. Dean, Jacqui and their mother go to England.
1987 WhileInTheUSA 0041 b 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0042 a 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0042 b In England
With  their mother With Mrs Lampen and Frank Jacqui spends an English lesson with Dean. 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0046 b
Vera. 1987 WhileInTheUSA 0047 b The Berlin Wall. One side prosperous and free, the other side the home of the  Trabanz (a horrible little 2 stroke car) and midnight visits from the State Security Service (Staatssicherheitsdienst) or Stasi Deans says his hair looks better now
1987 WhileInTheUSA 0049 b