January 1987     We go to a contest in Tucson;  I love this sign. Some time in  1987    Jim Armour's new plane under construction. Mid 1987    This is the first plane I build in America. I build it using a foam wing that I'd brought with me from Australia.  The flaps are too big and overpower the plane in manoeuvres so I slice ½" off them. Better now,  but not as good as American Planes of the era.
It is essentially the same plane as my 1984 plane that I've been using up until now. I finish it just in time to take it with me to the July  1987 US Natioanals in Lincoln, Nebraska. May 24, 1987      I think this is at Mile Square Park. October 1987     After the US Nationals, we go to another contest in Clovis. Bob does very well at the Nationals flying his Laser into seventh place. Here he ponders with good friend Jim Armour. New in this picture is Kaz Minato, who arrived earlier this year from Japan. The four of us become inseparable over the next couple of years.
Me flying. About those new houses being built, I'm sure these were corn field on our previous visit one year ago. Me flying too high. Coming in to land. Ted Fancher relaxed and flying well. His plane is the plane with which he flies to fourth place in  the recently completed US Nationals.
Kaz built this plane in Japan and brings it with him. He uses a Japanese O.S. engine in it. Kaz flies for Japan's F.A.I. team and represents Japan at world level. Lovely man. He stays with us in Australia at Mount Colah on a trip to Sydney for the Australian Nationals. Fancher, Whitley and me shooting bull. Good grief, I'm developing a bald patch.  Oh No!
October, 1987    The US Nationals have been and gone and we are at Clovis 6.5 miles from Fresno Northern California at the Golden State Stunt Championships. Kaz and Miyako. We travel in convoy with Bob to several Golden State Stunt Championships held in the Fresno area Lucky me Jenni chats with Ted Fancher who is by now a good friend.
Bart Klapinski chats or chat's up The Clovis Control Liners Some even travel 930 miles from Seattle to compete in Clovis. Jenni and I travel 350 miles to get here (a walk in the park) Cietta Johnson selling Golden State T shirts to Kaz and Miyako
Paul Walker, his wife and Randy Schultz. October 1987     My fleet  at Rimpark Way. When I leave America to return to Australia, I leave both yellow planes behind. Late 1987     My new plane Kareela III nears completion. I cut the foam cores myself using the car's battery as a heat source. It is designed around current American thinking and has a thicker, bigger wing.    The end of this segment