1989 Queensland Oz Nationals

January  1989    We attend the  Dec1988-Jan89 Australian Nationals help at the RAAF base in Amberly,  Queensland. Joe Parisi Joe Parisi's new plane. He used foam wings at the time. Keith Graham - Genesis.
1989 LifeResumesInOz 0006 a 1989 LifeResumesInOz 0007 a Frank Battam and Paul Turner All I have to fly is my US Planes. A full year has passed since we returned from the USA and I have not had time to build a new one. This one still goes well though.
Brian flying. Dennis and a couple of nice looking birds. Jenni, Val and Bonnie. Joe and Rosemarie Parisi.
I take my model into the circle for an official flight. I signal the judges and the clock starts. I now have one minute to become airborne. I only ever trust Dennis to launch my planes properly. He straightens his hands and lets the plane fly away from him without any inputs from him.  Look at his hands. I bring Dennis' plane back to the pits after an official flight.
1989 LifeResumesInOz 0022 a I come fifth. Brain wins, Joe second and Paul third. 1989 LifeResumesInOz 0014 a
This competition is in January 1989, but are officially the December 1988 Nationals. The December 1989 Nationals, due to be held in Bunbury Western Australia are cancelled due to  ZERO  entries. The 1990 Nationals are to be held on December 1990 through January 1991 at Bendigo Victoria