Time to start building a new model. It is to be powered by a RO-Jett 61 on pipe and will feature foam wing and stab/elevator construction.
2 2019 Draco 3
June 2018: I start by cutting foam blocks to size. I make a jig so that I can accurately burn three holes through the wing core so that later (after sheeting) I can thread a nichrome wire through it to hollow it out. The gas burner heats the bottom of a rod that melts its way through the foam.
3 2019 Draco 3
A piece of 5/16" rod, that fits inside a brass tube, is held in place with a 3/32" pin. Once the foam core is positioned accurately under the hot rod, I pull the pin and gravity takes over. Fizz, fizz, fizz.
4 2019 Draco 3
Both cores turned out OK. Phew! One hole hit its target, the other two missed by a little bit.
5 2019 Draco 3
After cutting the wing surfaces, sheeting them and hollowing them out (using the previously burned holes), each core weighed 3½ ounces.
6 2019 Draco 3
Construction then followed the usual trodden path until February 2019. It is now time to put the wing and tail into the fuselage. I start by aligning the centreline of the fuselage jig with a laser.
7 2019 Draco 3
I fit the fuselage into the jig and make sure that the fuselage is horizontal on the roll axis. I have adjusting screws in each corner of the jig to do this.
8 2019 Draco 3
I drop the wing in and begin the fitting process. Here, I check that fuselage is horizontal on the pitch axis. This adjustment is via a long 2-56 screw in the tailwheel mount.
9 2019 Draco 3
Then begins a long-winded circular trial & error process to get the wing located properly on all three axes.
10 2019 Draco 3
Trial fitting the wing on the pitch axis.
11 2019 Draco 3
Trial fitting the wing on the roll axis.
12 2019 Draco 3
I make a wet mix of West Systems epoxy, slow set hardener and micro-balloons and put the mixture in a glass syringe.
13 2019 Draco 3
I then apply the glue to the wing mounts.
14 2019 Draco 3
Now things get serious. I fit the wing into the fuselage. I start by aligning the centre of the wing with the centre of the fuselage.
15 2019 Tuned Pipe Draco
The centre of the wing aligns nicely with the centre of the fuselage. Note the 1/16 copper pin through the carbon fibre pushrod. The ball joint is not Du-Bro - these have a reputation for binding. Instead, I use a 3mm item available from Hobby King in Hong Kong, USA or Australia.
16 2019 Draco 3
The wing and the stab are glued in, the controls are centred, the top block is on and it's time to fit the fin/rudder. I've finished with the jig and put it away.
17 2019 Draco 3
The fin/rudder is set with a laser and spot glued in place.
18 2019 Draco 3
Construction is complete. The lower part of the rudder is finished and all of the fillets are on and the whole body is sealed with thinned finishing resin..
19 2019 Draco 3
It's time to put it on the scales to weigh it.
20 2019 Draco 3
56 ounces, not too bad. I can save a couple of ounces by removing the wheel pants if necessary. Now for the bit I enjoy: putting the colours on.
21 2019 Draco 3
Undercoat from a spray can
22 2019 Draco 3
Undercoat sanded off
23 2019 Draco 3
Fuselage undercoat completely sanded. Time to remove undercoat from horizontal surfaces
24 2019 Draco 3
Sanding undercoat continues
25 2019 Draco 3
Time out to build a hard-point handle. This is constructed from two 1mm carbon fibre sections that sandwich the two 1mm steel connection points
26 2019 Draco 3
Brass rivets tie the lot together
27 2019 Draco 3
Complete handle covered in balsa. Total weight 1¼ ounces.
28 2019 Draco 3
Picture of fin/rudder. This image goes to Corel Draw to get the correct proportions for the tail graphics.
29 2019 Draco 3
Tail graphics applied. Quite tricky to apply but I've done designs like this a few times now
30 2019 Draco 3
Base coat white is automotive paint. Dark silver colour is from a Suzuki motorcycle that I sprayed some time ago.
31 2019 Draco 3
The previous time that I tried this graphics scheme was a miserable failure because I didn't get all of the parallel lines straight. This time, I aligned the trailing edge of the wing with the laser and then lowered the laser for each line.
32 2019 Draco 3
This is how it worked. You can see that the pair of lines towards the leading edge is out of wack with the pair aligned with the laser.
33 2019 Draco 3
It's then a simple matter to get the opposite wing aligned. Pencil marks are useless and you can see how the rear pencil mark is out about 1-2mm with the laser.
34 2019 Draco 3
I tried, really tried, really really tried to draw ink lines on the underside of one of the elevators. In the end I washed it off, repainted it and found another solution.
35 2019 Draco 3
This is the solution: 0.4mm (.015") micron tape.
36 2019 Draco 3
I experimented with a flap and was very satisfied with the result.
37 2019 Draco 3
By now, all of the computer graphics are on, the lettering is on and the "anti-glare" strip in front of the cockpit is on in a matching Suzuki colour. The plane is completely masked waiting for the metallic purple.
38 2019 Draco 3
The rear awaits the metallic purple. The numbers in the middle of the graphic are painted and masked off.
39 2019 Draco 3
The dragon is on awaiting the metallic gold.
40 2019 Draco 3
Metallic purple is on and masked off. The dragon is exposed and awaits the gold paint.
41 2019 Draco 3
The dragon is painted and everything is masked off except for the red areas.
42 2019 Draco 3
The grand reveal. The red is a Ferrari red. Removing the mask for the tail leaves behind a very sticky, gluey substance. This is not easily removed with glue remover and then washed down with prepsol. There is a small patch where the base white lifted on the fin but this is the only spot on the whole plane where there was any lifting. Pretty good I reckon.
43 .2019 Draco 3
I made a mistake with the "anti-glare" strip. I've since repainted this bit and it looks like a new one. The dull red is because I've wet-sanded the two major colours with 2000 wet/dry paper (wet)
44 2019 Draco 33
It's 10 October 2019 and finally the "ink" lines are on.
45 2019 Draco 3
They're not really ink. They're 0.4 and 0.7mm black tape. They look pretty good I think.
46 2019 Draco 3
At the moment, they have a fine coat of clear sprayed on them with an air brush.
47 2019 Draco 3
All that's left now is a clean up and to spray the whole plane with clear.
48 2019 Draco 3
After one year and four months, it's 23rd October 2019 and the plane is finished.
49 2019 Draco 3
The clear went over the cockpit very nicely, not so well in other places like the flaps and elevators.
50 2019 Draco 3
The cowl has dual opening air intake ducts that look nice to my eye (looks are important)
51 2019 Draco 3
The plane is now ready to fly, with engine, tank, prop, spinner, etc. fitted. Weight is slightly disappointing at 65½ ozs.
52 2019 Draco 3
It should fly OK at that weight though. I could remove both wheel pants and bring the weight down to 63 1/2 oz but that's a bit pointless; it's more of a "bragging rights" thing than being useful.
53 2019 Draco 3
There is one disappointing aspect to the "ink" lines in that they protrude noticeably above the surface and I don't like this.
54 2019 Draco 3
I'd say about the graphics that they are my best design yet. I love the colours and the dragon. About the execution, not perfect. I had lots of tiny pin holes appear after the clear went on in some spots. I'm sure this was the clear reacting with something oil like on the surface.
55 2019 Draco 3
When I look back through the planes I've built and featured in this blog, I usually make the comment about next time being perfect.
56 2019 Draco 3
Next time: PERFECT. I have a problem getting out to fly nowadays because Grant has crippled feet and Paul has back problems. Maiden flight is planned to be this Saturday 26/10/2019. I'm quietly confident.
57 February 01, 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
An untimely end. The maddening thing was that from November 2019 through to February 2020 Australia had the worst bush fire season that it had ever had and flying was non-existent.
58 February 01, 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
The danger finally passed and we were able to go flying at last.
59 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
Very much like my motorcycle accident, I lost concentration again. I put the control lines on the wrong way around.
60 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
When Paul launched the model, I could not control it. In fact, I thought the lines themselves must have jammed.
61 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
I tried really hard to repair it but it was too far gone.
62 2020 RO-Jett 67 Draco 3
I saved the controls, the stab/elevator, the flaps and the wing tips and (with great sorrow) put the rest into the rubbish bin. Return to the home page